Friday, October 20, 2006

Cell Phones.

Damn you and your 0 missed calls.
Despite desperate punching of buttons
no messages vibrate in my hand.

Gone are the glorious days of the land line
when the phone rang furiously all the
while I was away
and the shy young pursuants,
too timid and overwhelmed by my charm,
hung up without leaving a message.

Cingular has single-handedly slashed
my mind's romantic construction
of courtship where imagination
prevailed over knowledge

Now I sit, chained to this phone
unable to squash the glimmer
of possibility of a technological failure
hoping beyond hopes that misalignment
of some distant satellite has caused
your message to fail to register

Slipping the phone into my pocket
for my short walk to pick up my mail
I wonder if maybe-- just maybe--
it's me, not you.


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